Everyday I wonder why so many people are suffering from diabetes I or II. What's interesting to me is the so called method to take care of the problem is to introduce insulin to control the blood sugar. Hymm How long have we been doing that 50 yrs? I'm not sure but a long time.
I'm not sure how or what mechanism is actually causing diabetes but what I do believe is that using insulin as a method of maintaining blood sugar is antiquated at best. I am not a doctor but have worked at Dow conducting my own research and lab studies in a host of different areas. Recently I have been interested in the implications of excessive adipose tissue ie. fat cells. It appears just by the very nature of having an excess of fat cells vs others causes our hormones to be out of balance, another interesting caveat is that from a genetic perspective if you had overweight parents the actual blood chemistry of the off-spring has pre-disposed to a propensity to manifest diabetiic problems. One area I would like to pursue is the better understanding of the different hormone levels that a healthy individual has vs a diabetic it may be that if we start to target specific blood analytes found in diabetic patients and not found in normal people, may be a start to get a better understanding of this disease.
You can follow my other blog and read about this at http://www.bontemedical.com/blog
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